Monte's Story

Monte is a 30 year old small-standard donkey who loves to sing for his human "mawm," Pinky.

Adopted by Pinky in September of 2020, Monte now lives with his horse brudders, Ace and Jack, along with the rest of the furry and feathered krewe at Pinky's home in Texas.

Monte the Singing Donkey


Monte, a now 28-year old small standard donkey (not a mini!) used to be a shy, quiet equine.

Rescued at 16 years of age in 2010, Monte kept to himself and lived safe, quiet life - waiting 10 whole years to be adopted.


When Pinky bought her first home and acreage in 2020, she wanted to get a donkey friend for her horses, Ace and Jack. In February 2020, Pinky and Monte met for the first time. The pair felt an immediate connection and bond, and in March, Pinky signed the adoption papers and officially became Monte's "mawm."

In September, Monte came home to #Ruggletardranch and began a new life with his crazy new family at #Ruggletardranch. 3 days after coming home, Monte began his #emptybowlblues singing career!

Monte the Singing Donkey and his Family

Rising Star

Pinky shared Monte's talents on social media, and he quickly became a sensation! Singing his heart out with his unique bray, Monte has brayed his way onto local, national, & international news stations, podcasts, & social pages, spreading joy and donkey education all over the world!


Like most "mawms," Pinky found Monte's songs and antics adorable and charming, but she never expected her once quiet & reserved Monte to become the internet & social media sensation he is. Pinky recognized what an exemplary ambassador Monte could be for his species, and saw an amazing opportunity to advocate for donkeys everywhere through teaching the world all the unique aspects of donkey ownership.